Friday, July 30, 2010

Lots of new posts!!

Finally got caught up on July- make sure to push older posts at the bottom to see everything we have been up to!

Cleveland Zoo

We went to the Cleveland Zoo because I wanted Evan to see the giraffes and zebras since we don't have them at our zoo. Ironically enough the exhibit that made the biggest impression on Evan was the mechanical dinosaurs! He keeps talking about how he was scared and that some of them spit water at the kids. He also got to take his first train ride around the Australia exhibit. Emma is a big trooper on all of these trips and just sits patiently in her stroller chewing on toys!

Another Great Grandma

The kids saw their third great Grandma of the summer, my mom's mom, while in Cleveland and we took another 4 generation picture.

Cleveland Children's Museum

The kids and I went to visit my parents for a few days. While we were there we went to the Children's museum. Evan had a lot of fun there picking vegetables at a play farm, driving a bus, and going shopping.


Evan LOVES motorcycles and luckily for him, Marysville has a motorcycle parade every year. We took Evan last week and he had a blast. He stared in awe and tried to count them as they went by.

Baby Carolyn

Here is Emma's new little friend Carolyn. She is Bart and Lisa's new baby and Emma is very excited to have a new playmate!

Little Eater

Emma hasn't turned her nose up to any of the new foods. She liked her green veggies- peas and green beans and tried applesauce last night for the first time. She is also starting to use a sippy cup with water. I don't know how much she is actually drinking, but it keeps her occupied for little while!

West Virginia

We went to Morgantown a couple of weeks ago to visit friends. The girls all got pedicures and the guys played golf. Evan and Emma got spoiled with lots of attention. Evan loved playing baseball with Taylor.

Big Brother is cute too!

Evan has really been enjoying his summer. He loves playing outside with his friends, he always asks where everyone is at when he looks outside. He is in the middle of potty training and doing a great job. He still loves books, coloring, and TV. He is a great big brother and is always asking what Emma is doing if he can't see her. I have been taking him to story time every Thursday and see his shy side come out, so we'll have to keep working on that!

6 month old cutie

Where does time go?? At 6 months old Emma is sitting, rolling, pushing up on her arms, a slobbery mess, but no teeth yet, chewing on everything, laughing, grabbing at for everything within her reach, eating cereal and veggies, saying "MaMa," and sleeping 9-10 hours at night. She has a great personality and only fusses when she is tired or can't see her mommy :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

First Movie

We took Evan to see his first movie- Toy Story 3. He did awesome. He sat glued to the screen and ate popcorn double fisted.


We got Emma her own pink swing. She loves it!


Evan loved that the pool had a basketball hoop!

4th of July Neighborhood picnic

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A preview to the 4th of July.....


Emma had her first taste of sweet potatoes this week. She LOVES them!


Evan is afraid of masks. One of the neighbor kids put on a spiderman mask and he freaked out. While he was in PA he put on a hat backwards, pulled it down over his eyes and said he was spider man. He was leaping onto us and laughing like crazy. It was hilarious.


We also went to PA to see my Grandma. We took another 4 generation picture and Evan read her some books!


Adam's Grandma was in town so we took a 4 generation picture. Evan likes eating her fried chicken!

Sitting Up

Emma can now sit up and play on her own. Evan thinks this is pretty cool and likes to bring her toys to play with.

Father's Day