Thursday, July 2, 2009

Big News

Evan has some news to share with everyone. He's going to be a:

Doesn't he look happy about it? Actually he just wanted to be picked up, but I love the picture!

Here's the results of the test...looks positive to me!

Here is Evan and I right after finding out:

And Adam and I all ready for number 2....we think.

We went to the doctor a few Fridays ago and everything looks good. We got to see the heart beating.

I am due January 22nd and we'll schedule a c-section for the week before. I've been feeling fine, as long as I don't get hungry. I get to take afternoon naps with Evan since I'm on summer break which is nice so that helps with the tiredness. We are very excited to welcome another little Brown baby to our family!

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