Monday, August 16, 2010

Clipper's Game

We went to the Clipper's game last night. Evan had fun, but he was disappointed that he didn't get to hit the ball. We did pay $1 and let him throw the ball!

He loved all these face cut outs and wanted to do them all.

He also liked singing take me out to the ball game.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Splash Park

We went to the splash park on Friday and Evan LOVED it this time!

Indoor playground

We went to an indoor playground last week with Caden and Kylie. Evan's favorite part was the basketball court and Emma had fun on the swings. Kylie and Emma wore matching outfits.


Last Monday night we went to Young's Dairy with my friend Erin. Evan had fun playing on a tractor, bouncing in a bounce house, feeding the goats playing in the corn, and riding on a train. He also liked eating the ice cream. Emma didn't have as much fun and stuck her tongue out at us!

Sunday, August 1, 2010