Saturday, May 29, 2010

Tiger Up Witt

Do they look alike?


Evan at the same age:

4 month old cutie

Saturday, May 15, 2010


We took Emma's first trip to the zoo a few weeks ago. She just hung out in the stroller. Evan was extremely excited to go. He loved watching the monkeys and gorillas. We also go to see the new polar bear exhibit which was pretty neat. We had beautiful weather and it was a great time.


Emma found her thumb....and sucks it whenever she is getting tired. She is also making a new screeching sound all the time.


Last Saturday some of my Witt friends and their kids came to visit. Notice Evan isn't in the kid picture...he wouldn't leave my side even though we were at our own house. He seems to have gotten my shy gene!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


What did you put in my hair????
Maybe it isn't so bad....

At least I still have my hands!

Emma's Baptism