Sunday, April 11, 2010


We met some friends at the zoo to celebrate Evan's Birthday.
Evan, Caleb, and Carson looking at the baby elephant.
Evan running from the tiger.

Eating cupcakes.


Checking out what the bunny brought.

Evan went on an Easter egg hunt after church.

His eggs had jelly beans and money. He put the money in his piggy bank.

We didn't get a picture of them together, but here are two cute separate ones.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Evan's 2nd Birthday is on Tuesday. We celebrated with our family tonight. Sheila made Evan a Diego cake and he got a lot of fun presents- books, sand toys, trains, Ohio State posters for his room, a lawn mower, and a scooter. He had a great time opening everything and the weather even warmed up enough for him to go outside and try out his scooter.

Swing Set

We got Evan a swingset for his 2nd Birthday. Adam put it together this weekend and Evan got to play on it!

Dying Easter Eggs

Cute baby girl

Emma had her two year old well visit this week. The doctor said she is doing great and meeting all her milestones. She is much smaller than Evan was at this time. Here are her stats:
Weight- 11 lb. 7.5 oz- 51st percentile
Height 23.5 in- 77th percentile.
Head- can't remember size, but it is tiny- 19th percentile.


We've been playing hard these past few weeks....both outside with chalk...

and inside with the play gym

It even tires her out!