Saturday, February 27, 2010


Evan helped me vacuum this morning.

Week 5 Pictures

Lounging during dinner

Saturday, February 20, 2010

More pics from this week

Little Helper

Evan likes to help put Emma's paci back in when she's crying. He also likes to help wipe the table- notice the bib he found in the cupboard and insisted to put on and the big pitcher he was pretending to drink out of.

Is it Spring yet?

Here are more snow pictures from the latest storm. Before it started melting it was up to Evan's hips. He really wants to play outside! Yesterday I took him out for a walk and to ride in his car since it was a little bit warmer. He did NOT want to come back him. I had to drag him in kicking and screaming.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Here are some pictures of Evan playing in the first round of snow. The second round is here today and Adam is off school. It is nice having him home with me again!

Brother and Sister

We'll have to try another photo shoot next time they wear their shirts because they would not cooperate!

Weeks 2-3