Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Trouble X2

Carson's Pump it Up Party

Evan and Emma went to their friend Carson's 4th Birthday party at Pump it Up. Evan had fun climbing up the big slide all by himself. Emma liked sitting ont he toys and getting bounced around.

Hliday Jubilee

We went to the holiday jubilee at my school. Evan and Emma both sat on Santa's lap- surprisingly enough Evan did OK and Emma screamed. Evan also frosted a cookie and stood in a long line to get a balloon sword.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

Big Eater

Emma is pretty much totally on table food now. She does NOT want baby food! She eats more than Evan at most meals!

Elf on the shelf

On December 1st we opened our Elf on the Shelf. Evan understood the story this year and gets excited to see where the elf jumps to each morning.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zoo Lights

We went to see the Wildlights at the Zoo last Sunday. The weather was warm, which made it nice. Evan was a little disappointed that he didn't get to see a lot of animals, but we still had fun!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Prince and Princess Party

Evan was invited to his friend Paige's 3rd Birthday Party. All of the kids were supposed to come dressed as prince and princesses. Evan looked very cute in his nice clothes and had fun with all of his neighborhood friends. 5 soon to be three year old on the block (not all are in the picture) is going to make one fun kindergarten class!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Evan and Emma were a football player and cheerleader for Halloween. We weren't sure how the night was going to go because Evan is scared of masks. He did pretty well and only broke down crying 3 times. He made it around the block and was happy with all of the candy he got. Emma did well all bundled up in the wagon.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pumpkin Carving

We carved our pumpkin this week. Evan didn't really like touching the insides, but Emma did....until she tried to eat it. Evan was very interested in watching carve it out, but wasn't so interested in seeing it with the candle. He just wanted to blow it out. Instead of saying Happy Halloween he says, "Happy Birthday Halloween." He's a little confused.....

First Pony Ride

We went to a fall festival at Adam's Aunt's Church. Evan rode the pony twice and loved it!

New Emma pictures

Emma is a wild one! She crawls all over and gets into everything. When we try to stop her, she turns and looks at us and laughs. She's lucky that she's cute! She also loves trying new foods. Here she is eating scrambled eggs.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Marysville Homecoming

Evan got to ride in the Marysville Homecoming parade with Adam's mom. He loved riding on the float pulled by the tractor.

Friday night we went to the football game. He loved watching the game as long as he was eating! He liked the marching band too.

Sports Guy

Evan wanted to play hockey the other night- with his foorball helmet, golf club, baseball mitt, and scooter knee pads! He is too funny!

Autism Walk

We went to the Autism Walk last weekend. Emma loved looking around at all of the people. Evan had fun too, but was scared when he saw some Stormtroopers....Halloween is not going to be fun because he is scared of anyone in masks!

Evan's Half Birthday

Evan blew out candles on half a cake for his 2 1/2 Birthday. I asked him some questions to remember about him at this age:

Favorite sport- golf
food- french fries
color- blue
show- Dora
toy- Football helmet

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Leed's Farm

We went on our annual trip to Leed's Farm yesterday. Evan had a blast running around the hay barn, going down the big tube slide by himself, riding with Daddy on the pedal cart, and feeding the goats. We also ate a pumpkin donut and bought some pumpkins! Next year will be even more fun when Emma can run around too!