Sunday, November 30, 2008

O Christmas Tree

We put up the tree today. Evan is very interested in it. I think it might make him crawl! We also got some good pictures for the card.

Here is the winner:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Bed Head

Evan woke up with some funny bed head this morning! It is time for another hair cut.

First real bath

Evan took his first bath in a big bath tub this weekend and my parent's house. He loved it! I think it is time to put away his little tub at home.

First Thanksgiving

Evan had a great time on his first Thanksgiving. We went to dinner at my Aunt Pam's house. Evan was in a very good mood all day. He had fun playing with all of the people and got to eat some mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and rolls. He didn't get to try any pie.....maybe next year.

Evan and his Great Grandma

He fell asleep on our way home and didn't even wake up when I got him out of his carseat!

Trying to Crawl

Evan is really trying to figure out the whole crawling thing. He can pull himself up to his toy boxes and dump them to get his toys out. He gets himself into the crawling position, but can't quite figure out how to get moving yet! He can turn himself around in circles.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Ear Infection

Evan has had a really bad cough all week. I finally took him to the doctor Friday afternoon and it turns out he has his first ear infection. He has been pretty miserable, he wouldn't let me put him down to sleep last night, just wanted to be held. Hopefully the antibiotics are kicking in now and we'll have a better night. They weighed Evan when we were at the doctor and he is up to 21lb 3 oz!!
On a plus side Evan has also started saying "mama" and is very close to crawling!


Last weekend some of my friends from high school came over to hang out with us. It was great to see them and Evan had a great time playing with them!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Evan loves to sit and empty all of his toys out of his basket before beginning to play!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Evan had a great first Halloween! He even got to wear his Halloween costume twice. Once for Adam's school trick or treat night and once on the real Halloween.

Here is a picture of Adam's costume he wore for school:

Adam and Evan:

The cute little puppy:
Evan in the jump house at school:

On Halloween night we sat outside and handed out candy. It was a beautiful night and Evan had fun looking at all of the kids. Next year we'll actually take him around to some houses.

Evan and his puppy:

Evan also wore his cute Little Devil outfit from Josh and Laurel.