Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Trouble X2

Carson's Pump it Up Party

Evan and Emma went to their friend Carson's 4th Birthday party at Pump it Up. Evan had fun climbing up the big slide all by himself. Emma liked sitting ont he toys and getting bounced around.

Hliday Jubilee

We went to the holiday jubilee at my school. Evan and Emma both sat on Santa's lap- surprisingly enough Evan did OK and Emma screamed. Evan also frosted a cookie and stood in a long line to get a balloon sword.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

Big Eater

Emma is pretty much totally on table food now. She does NOT want baby food! She eats more than Evan at most meals!

Elf on the shelf

On December 1st we opened our Elf on the Shelf. Evan understood the story this year and gets excited to see where the elf jumps to each morning.
